Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Brothers in Arm

In a blink of eye, four year passed. My brother had been away to pursuit further studies at overseas. My mum had been teary-eyed when she sent him over whilee she was proud that he was able to clinch the coveted scholarship. So, four years passed and my brother is coming home.

We went to air port early because my brother will be arriving aruond 10 am. We dressed in our best attire to welcome him. As time flies, the plane arrived. We were so anxious for my brother's arrival.

Then, a tall, muscular man waved at us. We took a few moment before my mother recognize him. He was my brother! As my family had financial problem, my parents do not have enough income to let my brother to come back home from overseas during holiday.

My brother hugged us and he looked very happy. Then we proceed back to our house.He was eagered to go back his home that he left it four years ago.He told us that nothing is more comfortable compared to his own home.

My brother had also brought us some souvenir. He opened his bag and i saw tons of choclates inside his bag. He bought the chocolate Kat-Kit for me. It almost four years he left our family, and he still remember my favourite chocolate, what a good brother it is!!

Later, my father brought us to a seafood restaurant for dinner. It was expensive but my brother like seafood.So as a caring father, as long his son is happy,he will satisfy. We ordered crabs,prawns and many many more.....

I was happy that my brother was back. But sadly, he need to go overseas to study again in university.Although I hope he will stay here, but he is going to create a better road for his future...

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