Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Was Not Alone

It was a boring day, as usual. Go to school, do homework, play games, study and sleep, you can say that was my daily routine. Today, I was having my dinner in the hostel's canteen, I saw some new-looking faces.

I assumed they were the new scholars and I walked to them and greeted them. My assumption was correct and they were from Malaysia too.They were two of them. They were friendly and we have a little chat for half an hour. When I ask them how you feel when you alone the first day in Singapore, their answers took my mind back to the first day I came to Singapore...

The first scholar answered 'homesick'. I remembered that when my parents leave me alone in Victoria Hall on my first day in Singapore.They looked sad and my mother was crying softly. I was holding back, not to cry,trying not to make my parents worry. The whole night, I was thinking about my parents,my siblings and my home.Not house, but home.

But still, life still need to go on.We had orientation and Victoria School's PSL was helping me to pass through this hard moment of life. They tell me jokes, make funny things, advise and motivate me when I am down.

The next scholar answered 'cant cope up with studies'. As you know, there was a big gap between Malaysia's education and Singapore's education, especially in English. When i was first day in Victoria School, I was stunned by the hardness of the English, Mathematics and Science.

Luckily, the teachers in Victoria School were truly good teachers. They will explain until you understand it. So, I have no problem in studying here in Singapore.Some teachers live in hostel too. I can also approach them for help when I have problems in study. For instance, I had many Maths question that i had no idea about it, Mr.Su, my former Maths teacher was kind enough to teach me.

I was very appreciate that Singaporeans help me when I have difficulty.I never though that Singaporeans will treat the Malaysians fair and square and I was happy to have Singaporeans as my friends.Life's tough, the journey will be long, and you will never be alone.

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